2016 June SAP Official New Released C_BOWI_41 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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I was recommended by one of my friend, he used the GreatExam C_BOWI_41 materials and said they are helpful. He was right! I passed my SAP C_BOWI_41 exam yesterday. I was lucky, all my questions in the exams were from GreatExam dumps.
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
Which method should you use to view alerts in a report?
A. Open “Query View”
B. Click Tools > Alerters and select “View Alerters”
C. Right-click anywhere in the report, select “Alerters”
D. Select a block; on the toolbar, click the “Alerters” button
Answer: D
How can you see general report information such as the document author and the document creation date?
A. Select the Query Properties button.
B. Open the Query panel.
C. Insert the pre-defined cell Query Summary in the report.
D. Open the Document Summary panel.
Answer: D
Which method should you use to activate data tracking?
A. Select the “Track” button on the toolbar.
B. In the Query panel, enable “Keep History”.
C. In the InfoView Preferences, enable “Track Data Changes”.
D. Right-click the column in the report and select “Activate Data Tracking”.
Answer: A
Which three rules apply when you manually synchronize queries?
A. Dimension value formats must be the same.
B. Dimensions with different names can be merged.
C. Dimensions with different data types can be merged.
D. Dimensions from multiple data sources can be merged.
Answer: ABD
Which message appears when you select “Use query drill” while Scope of Analysis is set in aBusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.1 report?
A. The Scope of Analysis is empty.
B. The Scope of Analysis is not empty.
C. The query drill mode option is enabled.
D. The query drill mode option is not enabled.
Answer: B
Which two are limitations of a detail object?
A. It cannot be drilled on.
B. It cannot be used in the report filter.
C. It cannot be merged in a document.
D. It cannot be used in the WHERE statement of the query.
Answer: AC
Which two data sources can you directly access from a Web Intelligence document (WID) using the Web Intelligence Rich Client?
A. Universe
B. Text File
C. Web Service
D. OLAP Cube
Answer: AB
You have created a BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.1 document (WID) within InfoView that has a single table block on a single report page.
Where will a new object be displayed when you add it to the query?
A. In a block
B. In a new report
C. In Query Panel
D. In Report Manager
E. In a new report page
Answer: D
Which two search criteria are valid when using Delegated List of Values?
A. a*
B. *a
C. a%
D. %a
Answer: AB
Which methods can you use to apply report filters to a BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI 4.x document (WID)?
A. Global
B. Block
C. Dynamic
D. Custom
Answer: AB
I think GreatExam Q&As are very good for the people who do not have much time for their SAP C_BOWI_41 exam preparation. You can easily pass the exam only by memorize GreatExam questions and answers. Believe or not, I did so and I passed my C_BOWI_41 exam.
2016 SAP C_BOWI_41 exam dumps (All 160 Q&As) from GreatExam:
http://www.greatexam.com/c-bowi-41-exam-questions.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed!!!]